Day 52 – His Mercy Brings Forgiveness


 ‘For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more’. Heb. 8:12

This scripture states clearly that no one is too bad to experience God’s mercy. Sometimes we are not confident enough to approach God and ask him to show us mercy, all because we think we have done too much bad to deserve God’s help – and rightly so, is this your situation? From today’s scripture, what your unrighteousness would have brought upon you in form of calamity, God is saying ‘His mercy will wade-in and overlook it’. What good news!

It does not matter how deep you have been in error, sin, or wickedness of any kind, if you would turn to the Lord and say ‘Lord I come to you just as I am, show me mercy and forgiveness’.

Mercy is available for us because God remembers the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us (Heb. 4:14-16). That blood still speaks today! You become qualified for God’s mercy, no matter what unrighteousness you did; and you obtained mercy and forgiveness. You just need to make a fresh commitment with the Lord now that you will follow Him all the remaining days of your life, and you can begin your life afresh on a clean slate.

Today, God is releasing His mercy on your health, marriage, career, or ministry. Now, based on your positive response to today’s scripture, confront the devil in faith and cast out every sense of guilt and condemnation. Today is a new beginning for you in God. Face your future in faith and confidently. It is well with you in Jesus name. Amen.


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