Day 124 – The Third Party Factor in Marriage


‘Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.’ Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NKJV)

 Though an enemy may overcome one, together with another person it is not likely that the same enemy will prevail. In the worst case scenario if the enemy is truly strong and can overcome two, when third person joins the team, forming a “threefold cord”, they cannot be easily defeated.

In the context of marriage a husband may have faults, may have things or forces that are enemies against him or against his soul. With the backing of his wife, working in tandem, the issue can be dealt with in a more effective way. If however the two of them combined cannot deal with the issue, as the case is in many of life’s troubles, a third party is needed. Who is better for us to turn to in situations of marital struggle than the person of God; the creator of the institution of marriage? God is always there for us. Against the threefold cord of marriage (God, Husband, and Wife) no devil, no situation, can prevail. In addition we need to place ourselves and relationship in the midst of godly supports – friends and family that have the same God’s views on marriage as us.

In this day and age this threefold cord is what we need and many more marriages will not only survive but will thrive. God bless your day. Amen.


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