About SOD


One of the One of the major challenges in the church today is the issue of follow-up and Discipleship. Many foundational truths and instructions that new believers in Christ need to know upfront are often overlooked, as a result many long standing members in churches are not well grounded in the faith that they profess they believe. Meanwhile, if we are to successfully carry out the supreme task of raising disciples as instructed and exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ, the church must invest concerted effort in following up new believers.

Discipleship entails a total commitment to God; Consecration to do all His bidding (Rom. 12:1); A fully surrendered will (Ps.40: 8); Servant attitude; and total-yielded ness to the Lordship of Christ.

Overview of the Discipleship Course

The discipleship course is tagged Foundation Bible Course 101 (focusing on ‘New Creation Realities’).  Every member is required to attend these foundational discipleship classes. Thereafter you are encouraged to also enroll in the other three modules (FBC 102, FBC 103 and FBC 104) that ultimately combined to satisfy the basic requirements for Certificate in Christian Discipleship developed by The Incubator International.