Day 45 – There is a Door of Escape


“There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.” 1 Cor. 10:1 ASV

Whatever difficulty you might be confronted with in life, God allowed it to come your way knowing that you have the capacity to bear it while you figure out a way out of it! This might sound too simple and idealistic, but it is the bible truth! Every and anytime you face a challenge in life, be rest assured that there is a door of escape that the Lord has prepared for you to successfully go through it. You only need to look out for it!

What the devil would like you to think is that your end has come because of your temporary negative experience. But listen, God says there is a way out! God is faithful to make a way out for you, and to also show you that way. There is enough wisdom in God to unravel every riddle, untie every knot and deliver you from every trouble! With this truth secured in your heart; you can relax, look inwards and listen to the Holy Spirit to show you the secret to the challenge you might be currently faced with.

Determine to acknowledge God, and not lean to your own understanding. There is a door of escape for you: to pay the debt; to be free from the court case; to get out of sickness; to overcome temptation; to be delivered form that overwhelming situation! Say this with me now, ‘I know there is a divine way out of this situation that I am faced with (mention out the situation), and in Jesus name, I receive the understanding of what to do, Amen.’ So shall it be, in Jesus name.


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