Day 44 – Whatever Happens, Do Not Panic
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‘These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world’. John 16:33 ASV (See this also in MSG and KJV)
These were the words of Jesus to His disciples in very difficult times when He was about to leave them. He is saying the same to you today – Whatever happens, stay united to me, Do Not Panic. If there was any time in history that we need these words from our Lord Jesus Christ, it is now!
In this chapter, Jesus was sort-of giving His disciples a farewell speech! You can remember that the disciples faced a lot of challenges after Jesus left them. Times are changing today too, situations are getting more difficult, economic downturns are all over the world. We are seeing more wars and hearing rumours of more wars! Earthquakes are happening more frequently and getting more devastating! Situations are becoming more unpredictable. But the Bible says here that you should be at peace in the midst of these negative circumstances.
Earlier in verses 7 and 8, Jesus told his disciples of the promised Comforter that He will send after He has gone! Today, we have the Comforter as our helper – He is in you to strengthen you as you go through every life’s situation. Then in concluding this chapter, Jesus said ‘be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’! Be rest assured in these two facts and do not entertain any panic in your heart, whatever you might be facing. Whatever the case may seem, never allow your heart to fear, do not panic! You are more than a conqueror. Do have a victorious day!
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