Day 27 – Coordinate Your Thoughts Well


 ‘An idea well expressed is like a design of Gold set in Silver’ Proverbs 25:11 GNB

‘A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver’ Proverbs 25:11

For you to get to the point where your ideas are well coordinated, you must have thought about them over and over again. The business idea that God gives you must not be rushed into the market place; you need to think through them until you arrive at a way of expression; so fitting that it is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Analyse the ideas well enough until you can present it with an advantage. Don’t waste your God given ideas because you rushed out from your thinking closet too early; invest adequate time to think. You might need to do some indebt facts finding around the matter. Carry out some SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis and this will guide you on how to approach the implementation of those divine ideas.

Pr. 20:18 says ‘every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war’. Remember, you have access to divine insight that the world does not have! So, in these uncertain times, you can still take steps with certainty and fly with clarity. You will know when, how, and where to launch your ideas. Plus, you will receive strategic ideas on who should be present at your first presentation! The message version of Pr. 25:11 says ‘The right word at the right time is like a custom made piece of jewellery’.


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