Day 19 – Don’t be a Waster
by admin
‘He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster’ Proverbs 18:9
Many people have lost opportunities before and they regret it. But instead of regret, we only need to make a decision to change and never waste opportunities again – do not live in the regret and loss. However, slothfulness or laziness will lead to a wasted opportunity; time lost can never be regained.
So whether you are self-employed or an employee in a company, make up your mind not to be slothful. As a matter of fact, any employer should not keep a lazy person at work, because they are actually great wasters! If you have ideas, or thoughts, or great capacity and you are slothful, then you are wasting God’s resources.
The way you maximize the little opportunity God has presented to you where you are is what matters. This is our decision today; I will bend down and work on the ideas and opportunities available to me and will not be lazy. Otherwise you will equal someone who is wasting divine resources. May God prosper you in all you do, in Jesus name.
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