Day 127 – Train up Your Children
by admin
‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it’. Proverbs 22:6 NKJV
As a parent, you have responsibility to be faithful both to God and your children in the way you raise them. Faithfulness is being loyal, being consistent and being able to use the gifts you have in the way the giver of the gift has stipulated; being committed. If you are not committed to the raising and training of your children, you are not being faithful to God, neither are you faithful to those children.
Do not let your business take you away from the responsibility of raising your children well. The Good News version of today’s scripture says ‘Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life’. The greatest blessing you can give to your children is to invest in their future by training them. Not just giving them school fees to go to school; but sit with them and point them in the right direction. Teach them how to live their lives. Teach them the way to raise funds, how to spend money, how to be clean, how to speak the truth, how to read the word of God, how to serve God, how to be good in the society; teach them the culture of working hard, how to raise and live in a happy family. If you don’t do this, you will be regarded as an unfaithful parent.
Train your children; and when you see them in future, you sure will be glad you did. And God will certainly be happy with you. The assurance of a great tomorrow for your kids depend on what you do today!
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