Day 126 – Kids Are Prone to Foolishness!


 ‘Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him’ Proverbs 22:15

Our scripture today points us to a striking truth that many do not realise, or are not willing to accept. If you are a child, sorry, this is the truth – you are faced with the challenge of frequently being tempted to behave foolishly. As a parent, face the fact – this is what we have in our hands to deal with! Let’s look at the Message version ‘young people are prone to foolishness and fads; the cure comes through tough minded discipline’.

It is a natural thing for young people to think and act in ways that are not right. The Bible states that the cure for this foolishness is through tough minded discipline. It will be unfaithfulness to God and to the child if you don’t commit yourself to see to it that you assist your children to overcome this challenge. If we neglect to correct them, probably because of societal issues, it will be the greatest injustice we will be guilty of against the next generation. The future of that child will be jeopardised. Be involved in the life of your kids and be determined, not only to point them to the right direction to go in life, but also to discipline them when they go in the wrong way.

If you discipline your children when necessary, you will guide the child in the way of truth and understanding. As long as you do it in love, you would have proved to that child that the future is being sustained. If you are a child right now, be glad if your parents are giving you appropriate discipline; it is a sign that you are loved. Remember Pr. 3:12, ‘because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in’ (NIV). 


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