Day 125 – Correct Attitude for Marriage
by admin
‘Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.’ Proverbs 18:22
It is wrong to go into a marriage with the possibility of failure in mind. In the world we live in today, marriage is seen as a necessary evil; something that must be tolerated, – thinking “well the marriage might not work out in any case”. If we do not see things the Lords way, if we do not agree with the way He planned it, marriage is not likely to work out. If one goes into a marriage relationship with the possibility of divorce at the slightest provocation, the marriage is not likely work. If we have an attitude of fear that it might not work out, or we maintain separate lives within the relationship just in case of a need for divorce, the marriage is not likely to work out. Negative attitudes are one of the reasons marriages do not work.
We should see marriage the way God sees marriage – seeing only the best as we go into it. The man must expect to see his ‘good’ in the woman, and the woman must believe she is the best thing that has happened to the man, and behave ‘good’ to him. This might call for change in attitude and believe system in all of us. This way, we will victoriously go through any challenge that could come. I pray God release fresh wine into your marriage relationship in Jesus name. Amen.
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